USB Cases – Which one is right for you?
When looking at USB cases it important to think about what the USB will be used for as that will help you decide which case is the right choice. You might be looking for the most cost-effective option as the USBs will be given away in a promotion or used in-house (hence why USB drives are often called Promotional USB drives). If this is the case then many people will go for the no case option, as even when this is chosen most USB will come in a cello bag what not only protects the USB drive but also is lets the USB looks like it is a complete package. When looking at retailing a USB drive – the best option is a DVD Style USB case. These cases are actually closer to style to a Blu Ray case, but for simplicity reason, they are called DVD style. As well as case that can hold any USB with a type A style connector there are also cases that are specifically designed to hold the TWIST and CARD style USBs , made for a similar mate...